How to Find New Music

by Chelsea Hallman

Ultimately, my favorite way to find new music is to hear it live. Going to a show with four artists, only knowing one of them, and coming out on the other side with a playlist full of new music is my ideal Friday night. Right now, since that option is not currently in the picture, we must go digging ourselves.

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I find myself digging up the most music when going for drives alone. Spotify really helps me out with this one. I put on my Discover Weekly playlist and just cruise. I often find a single by a small artist that Spotify matches up with my taste. I then add that to a playlist and later will look into more of their music. More often than not, I end up with a new favorite! This is how you find stellar smaller artists like Derek Webb or Ruthie Collins. Another cool thing about my Discover Weekly is I will sometimes land on a single that came out years ago that I would have never listened to otherwise. Tell That Devil by Jill Andrews came out four years ago and every day still is rocks on. With songs like that I’ll listen to one old single and find a whole artist's discography. It’s one of the many tools we’re lucky enough to have these days.


Another way I find music is through my friends. I find they have pretty good tastes in music, too! I’ll follow my friends on Spotify and look at their playlists, or just ask them what they’ve been listening to. I can assume that at least one of your friends gets a little too excited when you like their music taste. We all have that friend (or friends) (or friend groups!) that prides themselves in their playlists, I know I do!

It can also be fun to find music from another generation than you. Ask your parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, coworkers! I know my Uncle Jim is a music fanatic. He will give me hours of playlists of underground oldies. It’s a totally unique and fun listen. It’s also something cool to show off to your friends when you find something great.

Social Media is a great place to find music too. Instagram and Facebook have live shows going on the daily. A new one for me is finding artists on Tiktok. All the dance videos can lead me to some good music that I probably wouldn’t have heard otherwise. Keep on dancing!

Also, I recently found the Music Map. You search one artist you love and it comes up with a whole map of artists around that it recommends you check out. You can get down a hole in this one and find all kinds of new artists. I know for me, I searched for one artist I liked, Billie Eilish, and Harry Styles, Lorde, Lana Del Ray, Ruel, Bea Miller, Lady Gaga, King Princess, and many more of my favorites showed up along with about 40 artists that I hadn’t heard of. I’m a little obsessed with this tool now. Check it out here!

Happy music hunting, and let us know of any solid finds in the music world below in the comments!