New Spotify Feature: Songwriter Pages!

By Emma Martin

I have always been a huge fan and supporter of songwriters. They are able to put our thoughts, emotions, and experiences into a three-minute moments. If we didn’t have songwriters, where would we be? Think of your favorite song: Do you know who all wrote the song? Most people don’t know the creators behind their favorite melodies and lyrics. Well, it’s time for that to change!

After reading an article by Variety on February 12th, Variety talks about Spotify adding an expansion on their liner notes! Finally. The New Spotify feature allows users to view the songwriters on the song they are listening to. When the user looks up the credits on the song, it takes them a songwriter page (similar to an artist page) and they are able to see each song that writer as written or co-written. How exciting is that? I believe this is a great way for users to know who the creators are behind the songs they love. Songwriters are such a huge part of the music industry and they can sometimes get overlooked. This is also a great way to discover new music! 

Spotify’s efforts to recognize songwriters and creators have increased over the years and this new feature is a great way to showcase the talent that makes up the music industry. It’s important to be supportive of songwriters and give them credit where it’s due! Read the article linked below to get the whole scoop.