Hello Fall: Seasonal Tunes Just for You

by Bri Cummings

Fall is officially here! We have the perfect playlist for all your favorite fall festivities- cozy nights in, sitting in a coffee shop, or watching the pretty leaves fall. Enjoy the music that put us in the mood for autumn as well as new songs from our favorites. We’ve featured Smooth Hound Smith’s catchy cover of the Grateful Dead’s “Friend of the Devil” and Hush Kids’ sweet love song “Spend My Time” to make sure you’re up to date on our new favorite tracks.

Olivia Management's Summer Playlist: Splash into Summer

by Jessie Mellott

Summer is right around the corner and Olivia Management has got you covered with the perfect mix of summer songs! During the summer, everyone needs a mix of upbeat jams and some tunes to relax and enjoy the hot Nashville summer weather. If you are looking for an upbeat jam, Smooth Hound Smith has got you covered with “Knockin’ At My Door.” You also can’t go wrong with enjoying Hush Kids’ harmonies in “Taking to Myself” or relaxing to Street Corner Symphony’s cover of “Drift Away”. Whatever vacation or summer events you have planned this summer, you can Splash Into Summer with the perfect music to get you through! Happy Summer!

Small Business Saturday

By Erin Anderson

My favorite thing about working with independent artists is helping them think about their music career as a business. I have been teaching entrepreneurship at the college level for 8 years now, and I love incorporating entrepreneurial concepts into managing artists. It's exciting to build new revenue streams, identify new opportunities, and optimize their businesses.

On Small Business Saturday, consider the ways you can support small businesses and independent artists that you love. One way you can support us as a small company that’s been in the business of helping artists for 8 years now is to check out our artist’s online stores that offer apparel, vinyl, cameos, handwritten lyrics, and more. Shop small, y’all! Click the links below and scroll down to see some of our other favorite small businesses to check out today!


Ruthie Collins


Smooth Hound Smith


Hush Kids


Derek Webb


Jill Andrews

Local businesses we love

Backslide Vintage

Our favorite Nashville vintage shop is owned by our very own Smooth Hound Smith! Check out their unique stock and their Yelp page here!

Thistle Farms

Treat yourself or a loved one to candles, essential oils, lip balms, and more while also benefiting women survivors. Click here to shop.

Friendly Arctic

Friendly Arctic has been our longtime favorite company for merch AND they have a Small Business Saturday sale going on now! You can purchase beautiful screen printed posters and more on their website here.

5 Work-Life Balance Tips For Working From Home


By Devin Renspie

In times where much of our work and life is forced to occur in the same place, a.k.a, at home, it’s extra important to make sure your work/life balance is maintainable for you. While ultimately everyone's healthy balance will look different, here are a few tips to get you thinking about how you can make this new norm work for you.

Create a separate working space

If you’re working from home, you need a dedicated space to work from. If you have a spare room, say hello to your new office! If not, no worries! Designating a spot with a comfortable chair and enough counterspace that you can center your workspace around works, too. Having a separate space for work is critical in creating a productive work environment at home. Moreover, this separate space makes it easier to switch between work and personal time.

Make transitions to and from work

When working away from home, your commute acts as a buffer between your work time and your personal time, but when you’re working from home, you have to develop this buffer on your own. To do this, think about what your usual commute entails. Maybe that means listening to music or a podcast to mimic what you do on your drive to work, or maybe that involves walking around the block to mimic your walk to work. Whatever you choose to incorporate, make sure that you’re consistent in the amount of time you spend doing your new routine. It’s best if your evening routine is your morning routine in reverse, but ultimately, stick with what works best for you.

Find time to socialize and take breaks

Working from home can be isolating and draining, especially if you’re used to breaking up your workday with the casual interactions that working at an office can bring. To combat the loneliness that working from home can bring, make an effort to reach out to your colleagues a few times a day. At Olivia Management, we have a #random Slack channel where we can talk about anything non-work related, which helps to encourage these casual chats that would usually occur in the office.

Taking regular breaks can also help if working remotely has been leaving you drained. The Pomodoro Technique recommends taking short, 3-5 minute breaks between 25 minute work sessions. After four pomodoros, take a longer, 15-30 minute break before beginning the cycle again. Even if you just use this time to get up and stretch, taking breaks can help your motivation last throughout the day and boost your time management and organization skills.

Disconnect outside of work hours

In the spirit of keeping routines around your work, make sure you stick to your set work hours. You might be tempted to work later into the night than you normally do since you no longer have a commute to worry about, but doing this is a slippery slope to having work take over your entire day. To further separate your work from your personal life, consider disconnecting from the channels you use to communicate for work in the evenings and on the weekends. For me, this means putting my Slack on do not disturb outside of my work hours.

Plan out your down time

Even with the above tips, you might still struggle with separating your work life from your personal life when working from home. That’s why it helps to plan out your downtime so that you’re more motivated to get off of work on time. Maybe that looks like going for an after-work walk, catching an episode of a show you like, going to the grocery store, cooking dinner, or FaceTiming with friends or family. Plan to do something that takes your mind off of work for a while. Bonus points if that something involves a change of scenery, since it’s easy to forget that there’s a whole world out there!