Returning Intern: Jalena Noakes

When Jalena told us she was staying on as our intern for another semester, Erin and I were ecstatic. That's no exaggeration. It's a busy time for us, so to think that we would be able to entrust her with training new interns, as well as giving her more responsibilities was incredibly relieving. Already she's been such a great asset to us  - a quick learner, diligent, aware and talented in many ways! Not only are we excited to have her back, but we're also excited to see how much more she grows with us this semester. Read up on Jalena and her time with us thus far! 

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1. What do you want to get out of this internship for the second time around? 

I’m so happy that I’m with Olivia Management for a second semester, I love interning here! Last semester, I was able to learn a lot about myself through different tasks I worked on, or issues that I worked to find solutions for. I think that’s what I’m definitely hoping to get out of this internship a second time around- discovering the ways that I operate best, and how I can use that to be beneficial to the company! Learning what projects I love to work on and learning what projects I struggle with help me to understand my strengths (and weaknesses) and ways I can be a better intern!

2. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life what would it be? 

Lingus- Snarky Puppy. 

I debated so much on answering this question. But Lingus is a 10 minute song, so if I had to listen to it for the rest of my life, then I probably wouldn't get bored because I could pick out something different to focus on each time. Plus, Snarky Puppy is just amazing and insanely talented so they deserve it.  Not sure why I felt the need to justify my answer...but there it is ;) 

3. What are you most looking forward to this summer?  

With The Secret Sisters on tour this summer promoting the release of an incredible album, I’m excited to be on the management side of tour/album promotion and marketing. As Erin and Maggie have said from the beginning, every day is different for management. I’ve experienced some of the challenges that may unexpectedly arise while managing artists, and I’ve learned so much by watching how Erin and Maggie handle these conflicts! As our other artists are also writing and releasing their new songs, I’m looking forward to brainstorming creative ways of promoting their careers and seeing the success of implementing those ideas. 

4. What is one thing you've learned since interning with us? 

Since interning with Olivia Management, I’ve learned how important it is to pay attention to little details and how important communication is. Sometimes it’s easy to overlook details or assume that something is unimportant, but when an issue arises, those details that you thought were not important turn out to be very important. :’) Communication is key to ensure that mistakes are taken care of as soon as they are discovered, and also to make sure that we're all on the same page and making progress. 

5. What made you decide to intern with us again? 

Interning for a second semester with Olivia Management didn’t require much thought on my end. When the opportunity presented itself, I knew I wanted to stay with this company. The culture that Erin and Maggie have established at Olivia Management is a culture that enabled me to grow as an individual and further develop a work ethic that promoted integrity and excellence at its core.  

6. What's one piece of advice you'd give to a future intern at Olivia Management? 

To a future intern at Olivia Management: You're in the right place. Make sure you take full advantage of the leadership that Erin provides and the opportunities that will come your way because of this internship. Make sure you take pride in your work, and that everything you do is double and triple checked. Also, HAVE FUN!