Olivia Management Consulting

Did you know we offer consulting services?

A few years ago, I was tired of having to say no to talented people just because my plate was too full. I decided that if I really enjoyed the music, I wanted to find a way to help the artist. And thus, Olivia Management Consulting Services were born. If you or your band needs help planning for a release or coming up with strategies to engage fans and grow- let me know! 

Check out just some of our amazing consulting clients: 

Brittany McLamb: this powerhouse vocalist has been working with us to release new music. Check out her beautiful single and video for "Dollhouse."


Charlie Oxford: this guy is a pop melody genius with some serious guitar chops. He's releasing a new EP soon and hitting the road, so look out for Charlie! 


Jennell: This beautiful pop-folk singer makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside when she sings about home. 

Stay tuned...more to come!